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The obituary notice of Geraint JARMAN

Cardiff (Caerdydd) | Published in: Western Mail.

Coles Funeral Directors
Coles Funeral Directors
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GeraintJARMANBu farw Geraint Jarman gyda'i deulu yn 74 oed ar yr 2il o Fawrth 2025.

Gwasanaeth cyhoeddus i ffarwelio â Geraint yn Amlosgfa Thornhill (Capel y Wenallt) Caerdydd am 3:30 o'r gloch brynhawn Iau 27ain o Fawrth.

Bydd dathlu bywyd Geraint â cherddoriaeth i ddilyn yn y Tramshed, Caerdydd CF11 6QP, 5:30 o'r gloch yr hwyr.

Dim blodau os gwelwch yn dda ond derbynnir roddion er cof am Geraint gyda diolch i BHF Cymru a Mind Cymru.

Ymholiadau/Enquiries- Trefnydd angladdau Coles Funeral Directors, 02920797516.

****** Surrounded by family Geraint Jarman age 74 passed away on March 2nd 2025.

A public memorial service will be held in Thornhill Crematorium (Wenallt Chapell) Cardiff, on Thursday 27th of March at 3:30pm.

A celebration of Geraint's life with music will follow at the Tramshed, Cardiff CF11 6QP from 5:30pm.

No flowers please. Donations in lieu of flowers will be greatly received in memory of Geraint to BHF Cymru and Mind Cymru.

All enquiries to Coles Funeral Directors, 02920797516.
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5358 visitors
Published: 20/03/2025
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Geraint Jarman is a Welsh Icon.
I always admired his passion for his country, for his language and for the unhindered expression he sought to journey with, throughout his career.
His lifelong contribution to the Arts is well known to those of his generation; it will still be there to inspire future generations of artists, yet to discover their own path towards the journey that never ends. I was glad to have known him; he was true.

My heartfelt condolences to his family and all those who loved him.
I join in the sadness of his passing...... Jarman!
Love to all, Cariad i chi gyd...

Tony Etoria
Tony Etoria
Diolch am y llawenydd ges i o wrando ar dy gerddoriaeth a gweld ti a dy fand yn chwarae ambell waith dros y blynyddoedd. Roedd dy ganeuon yn dod a fi'n nol i'n wreiddiau Cymraeg a'r iaith.
Dafydd Wyn Roberts
Thanks for the music it will be enjoyed for years.
Wyn Thomas
Yn cydymdeimlo â'i deulu oll yn eu colled a'u tristwch. Cofio cysylltu i drefnu noson tuag at Eisteddfod yr Urdd Bro Colwyn 1980 yn Y Dixieland Y Rhyl. Roeddwn yn nerfus cyn codi'r ffôn, ond pan ddechreuom sgwrsio roedd o mor garedig a hynaws. Cawsom noson wych gan fand a lleisydd mor dalentog ac amryddawn. Daw'r atgof yn ôl yn amal pan fyddaf yn pasio heibio cartref ei blentyndod cynnar yma yn Rhuthun. Diolch amdano. Cwsg mewn hedd.

Erys atgof a phob gwaddol
Yn ein calon yn wastadol.

Eifion Wynne

Eifion Wynne