My beautiful friend, fun loving and inspirational. We shared some amazing times together.
Our first holiday to Turkey where we jumped off anything we could to get a funny pose for the camera. You and Chris definitely won that one.
Our holiday in Norfolk when you were very pregnant with Callie, we were having a meal when a man at the table next to us very loudly passed wind, we all laughed till we cried and there were concerns you would go in to labour there and then!
You took us to your favourite place, Cornwall. There ensured the debate of what goes first on a scone, jam or cream. We had to eat copious amounts just to try every option. Then there was the trip to Bruges. Callie was only about 2 but even though she was woken up as we left really early she smiled all the time.
You asked us to be godparents to Callie, that was such an honour as she was your absolute world.
There were many more holidays, new year eves and weekends together, where we played games, ate loads and had so much fun. Precious memories that will never be forgotten. Love you Mrs.Stonham ♥️
Michelle Caple