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Lasting Tribute for Stella KELSALL

Bacup | Published: Online.

Helliwells Funeral Service
Helliwells Funeral Service
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StellaKELSALLpassed away peacefully on Sunday, April 5, aged 88 at the care home where she lived. A dedicated teacher and talented musician, she was widely known for the many operas she produced with Pendle Opera and the musical shows which were staged in Bacup. Heartfelt thanks and gratitude must go to the wonderful staff at Castleford Home For the Elderly. Thanks also to Smith Sutcliffe Solicitors for their support and advice over many years and to Helliwell's Funeral Services for their help and care. She was a special friend to the Watson Family and Aunt Stella will be greatly missed.
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1128 visitors
Published: 15/05/2020
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