No presents bought, no candles blown; this year you walk on streets of gold,
And it's so much more than the stories you've been told.
The sun is shining on your face,
and you're standing in all of God's good grace.
There were people there to meet you at that pearly gate.
Promise for me there too you will wait.
The angels no longer sing from up above;
but hand in hand together, you sing about God's love.
No more pain, no more strife,
but the gift of eternal life.
The sufferings of this world are left behind.
You made your mark; your life was not left undefined.
Someday we'll meet again,
for time is just a vapor in the wind.
But until that day comes, I will miss you every day.
I just wanted to wish you a happy heavenly birthday.
Wes xxx
Alan Goddard