Where do I start we have so many memories from being a baby to being an adult which i will carry all my life, from the dancing in the kitchen while the wood fire warmed up the kitchen years ago, my middle bedroom at coltman street before it was turned into a office, the front bedroom being off limits due to not being allowed to stand on the rug. The daily chats, endless cups of horlicks or hot chocolate, shopping on a Friday, fish and chips Friday with you and grandad. My cup of tea in a morning in nana fullers teacup which i still have. Playing with the pot dolls that you collected and had in your bedroom.
Going to boyes weekly shopping but also seeing auntie Josie.
Running up and down the hallway with our Katie or making dens under the stairs.
Waiting for grandad to get home from work so you could put a sheet down on the sofa before he sat down so he did not dirty the sofa. All these amazing memories are down to you nan so thank you I love you.
Later in life You being so happy when I got married to Kristian and me asking grandad to give me away.
I remember the day I told you I put your name in one of the girls you was so happy but said poor child haha.
You were always my biggest supporter no matter what others said.
We had a bond that could not be broken you was more than my nan you were my mum, my nan, my best friend my number one right from the day I took my first breath.
I will cherish every memory, every smile, every cuddle,every chat we had.
It's going to be strange navigating this thing we call life without you here, although your not here in person I know you will be guiding us, showing signs your still around.
I love you nan forever and always
from my first breath to your last nobody could break our bond even when they tried.
I loved the fact you let people believe what they wanted but you always knew. I loved you were so strong but so soft and loving at the same time.
My perfect beautiful nan