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The obituary notice of Janet Celia (Janet Manora) WILLIAMS (Nee Thomas)

Penarth, 13/03/1941 - 01/10/2024 (Age 83) | Published in: Western Mail.

James Summers & Son, Penarth
James Summers & Son, Penarth
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Janet CeliaWILLIAMSYn dawel ar 1af Hydref 2024, hunodd Janet yn ysbyty Llandochau yn 83 oed. Annwyl wraig i Bryan a mam dirion i Richard ac Andrew. Mamgu cariadus i Wayne a'i wraig Lauren a'i gor-wyrion Brooke a Myles. Chwaer yng ngyfraith i Eirian, Carys a Susan. Bydd ei cholled yn ddirfawr i'w holl deulu a'u ffrindiau. Yng ngofal James Summers Funeralcare, Penarth hyd y gwasanaeth ar dydd Mawrth 29ain Hydref am 12.30 y.p. yng Nghapel y Wenallt, Ymlosgfa Thornhill, Caerdydd. Blodau'r teulu yn unig, ond rhodddion os dymunir i'r Forget Me Not Chorus drwy eu gwefan

WILLIAMS Janet Celia (nee Thomas) 'Janet Manora'

Peacefully, on 1st October 2024 at Llandough Hospital, Janet passed away aged 83. Beloved wife of Bryan, much loved mother of Richard and Andrew. Adored Mamgu of Wayne and his wife Lauren and great-grandchildren Brooke and Myles. Sister in law to Eirian, Carys and Susan. Janet will be sadly missed by all her family and friends. Resting at James Summers Funeralcare, Penarth until the funeral service on Tuesday 29th October 2024 at Thornhill Crematorium, Wenallt Chapel at 12.30pm. Family flowers only please. Donations in memory of Janet may be made to the "Forget Me Not Chorus' at
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3360 visitors
Published: 22/10/2024
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Thank you from
The Forget Me Not Chorus Cardiff
For all the donations given
Donation left by Eirian Lake Williams
Yn cydymdeimlo'n fawr â chi fel teulu.
Donation left by Alun Wyn Bevan
In loving memory of Janet
Donation left by Terry Williams
Our sincere condolences to Bryan, Richard, Andrew and family. May you find comfort in your many happy memories.
Janet was a lovely lady and neighbour.
Donation left by Graham Bellamy
With deepest sympathy to you all

Veronica and family
Donation left by Veronica Davies
Er cof annwyl am Janet, ffrind da a ffyddlon ers blynyddoedd. Mae ei cholled yn enfawr.

Eurig a Marian Jenkins
Donation left by Eurig Jenkins