Dr. Brent will always be fondly remembered by everyone who had the chance to interact with him. He was an excellent mentor, though perhaps a bit intimidating for those of us coming from A-levels with a Maths, Further Maths, Physics, and Chemistry background. I still vividly recall going home after his first lecture and questioning what I had gotten myself into! As a former Catholic school girl, hearing about the non-existence of God was quite a shock, and instead of equations, we were suddenly surrounded by rocks and fossils!
During my time at UWI, Brent was a constant source of motivation. While I excelled in the core engineering courses, his passion for fossils and rocks made the transition easier.
Little did I know, his support would continue long after, as he took the time to review and improve my application essays for my MSc and later PhD studies. Despite his busy schedule, he always checked in to ensure my transition to his homeland went smoothly. Even in the later years, he kept up with my publications, and regularly checked in with updates.
One of my favorite recent quotes from him was: “I have now sold three paintings – two more than van Gogh did in his lifetime. Mind you, I doubt I will be as well remembered for my paintings in 100 years’ time.”
Dr. Brent was a truly remarkable professor, and his memory and teachings will always be cherished. It’s deeply saddening.
Rest in peace, Dr Brent.
My heartfelt condolences to Jacqui and the family.
With love,
Peaches (Tenice)
Tenice Nangoo