John Hughes a'i Fab & Son branch of R & J Hughes & Son Ltd
58 Machine Street, Amlwch
LL68 9HA
See Map
Opening Hours
12:00 PM
12:00 AM
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12:00 PM
12:00 AM
12:00 PM
12:00 AM
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12:00 PM
12:00 AM
12:00 PM
12:00 AM
We are always open 24hrs a day 365 days of the year
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Business Overview
It is our belief that every funeral is as important as any other. We know the bereavement process can be very difficult and what families have to go through when they lose their loved ones. And we understand that the funeral service you are having to arrange and the grief that you feel is unique to you and your family.
We will endeavour to carry out your instructions and your loved ones’ final requests in the professional, caring and respectful manner for which the company is known for, ensuring that the day of the funeral service is managed in a discreet and efficient manner.
We are 4 generations of funeral directors serving Amlwch and Anglesey.
A traditional funeral director with modern values, delivering a personal professional service, 24hrs a day 365 days of the year. Gwasanaeth Cymraeg a'r gael
We cover all of Anglesey and further should we be asked to.
Gallwn gynnig gwasanaeth mewn uniaith gymraeg.
Capal Gorffwys preifat sydd yn gallu eistedd 65 o pobol / Private Chapel of rest to seat 65 people
We offer funeral safe Funeral payment plans, please ask for further details
Golden Charter plans available, please ask for further details